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Publications (177)
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The availability and continuity of energy supply play a key role in qualifying the energy security of a country.
The document presents an update of the assessment framework, a methodology to assess smart grid projects of common interest, in line with Regulation (EU) No 347/2013 on guidelines…
This study analyses the performance of the power grid during 16 earthquakes, 15 space weather events and 20 floods.
This report looks at the potential routes for a future power interconnection between EU and China.
The document presents the outcome of the evaluation process of candidate Projects of Common Interest in the priority thematic area of ‘smart grids deployment’, as set out in the…
The 2017 Outlook offers a snapshot of the state of play and of the latest developments in the field of smart grids in Europe.
EU Regulation 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for internal market in electricity calls upon 80% of EU electricity consumers to be equipped with smart metering systems by 2020,…
This paper seeks to investigate if the theoretical and political trends towards a more collective dimension of energy use are
This paper presents a multi-criteria selection approach for offshore wind sites assessment.
The smart grid requires an effective energy management and for this a vast amount of information needs to be handled.