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JRC Smart Electricity Systems


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Publications (177)

Displaying 121 to 130
  • Category: Books
  • Year: 2013
The European electricity system has been evolving with a very fast pace in the last years, mostly as a combined effect of two main drivers: the increasing penetration of renewable…
  • Category: Reports
  • Year: 2013
Growing concerns over climate change, security of power supply and market competitiveness are challenging the current power system operation and architecture, with the resulting…
  • Category: Reports
  • Year: 2013
In the present globally interconnected world, energy is generated, stored, transmitted and consumed and its related waste disposed of or recycled- through a complex and dynamic…
  • Category: Books
  • Year: 2013
This Handbook brings together energy security experts to explore the implications of framing the energy debate in security terms, both in respect of the governance of energy…