Policy support for a wide-scale deployment of energy smart appliances seems a complex matter, crossing the fields of product and digital-related policy instruments. Any potential measure would not directly address energy efficiency, but instead will essentially seek to certify a specific ‘energy-smart’ behaviour of products.
In this project DG ENER and the Join Research Centre would propose a Code of Conduct to the energy smart appliances manufactures for adherence.
This report is a combination of following three initial talks, which are fundamental for the project:
— Literature review and consolidation of input from relevant sources on the interoperability of energy smart appliances such as the InterConnect project, standardisation efforts in other countries or regions (i.e. UK, California, etc.)
— Development of use cases for energy smart appliances.
— Definition of principles of data sharing among appliances, home and building automation systems, electric vehicle chargers, aggregators, Distribution System Operators, etc.
Stakeholders (industry, NGOs, academia) and Member States authorities will be involved in this process. Involvement and communication with stakeholders will be undertaken in a combination of questionnaires, webinars and physical meetings.
A dedicated European Commission services Task Force will be set up to coordinate this action and coordination between different policy areas, ensuring broader political buy-in.