Background and context
Projects of common interest (PCIs) are key cross border infrastructure projects that link the energy systems of EU countries. They are intended to help the EU achieve its energy policy and climate objectives: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for all citizens, and the long-term decarbonisation of the economy in accordance with the Paris Agreement.
Our role
We support investment decision processes linked to the Projects of Common Interest. We support the Regional Groups in assessing the candidate project's compliance with the criteria laid down in the Regulation (EU) 347/2013 and its added value on a European-level, notably in the fields of electricity transmission/storage and of smart grids.
Building on our expertise in the technical and economic assessment of energy projects, we have been entrusted with the development of a ranking methodology for Projects of Common Interest in the European electricity (and gas) infrastructure and we also developed a multi-criteria assessment framework for Projects of Common Interest in the field of Smart Grids.
Main publications

2022 - Selection of Smart Grids Projects of Common Interest—Past Experiences and Future Perspectives
This paper discusses the authors’ experience gained with the selection of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) in the thematic area of smart grids deployment, in the context of the TEN-E Regulation. It presents the framework for assessing candidate electricity smart grids for inclusion in the European Union list of PCIs, in view of the TEN-E Regulation and the existing literature on assessment methodologies for energy infrastructure projects. It also provides an overview of smart grid projects included in the PCI lists, with the aim to shed light on the types of projects and their contribution to accelerating the development of European cross-border energy infrastructure projects to respond to EU energy and climate targets. The paper concludes with discussion of recent regulatory initiatives and their potential implications on the presented methodology.

2021 - Projects of common interest in the priority thematic area of smart grids deployment
The document presents the outcome of the evaluation process of candidate projects of common interest in the priority thematic area of smart grids deployment, as set out in Regulation (EU) No 347/2013. The evaluation follows the guidelines of the Assessment framework for projects of common interest in the field of smart grids — 2017 update developed by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and adopted within the smart grid priority thematic group.
The report aims to assist the smart grid priority thematic group in proposing projects of common interest in the thematic area of smart grids deployment to be included in the fifth Union list of projects of common interest.

2021 - The impact of PCI projects on the current and future European power & gas systems
The present study documents the methodology and results of modelling in order to quantify the benefits of electricity and gas related Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) for the European Power and Gas systems. The quantitative scenario analysis was conducted using the METIS model and quantified the potential benefits of already commissioned, under construction and planned PCI projects to the power and gas systems. The section on the analysis of the power system presents the impact of PCI projects on market integration, CO2 emissions, renewable curtailment, marginal price, power adequacy, and welfare indicators. The impact of climatic variability on the calculated benefits provided by the 4th list of PCIs was also assessed for 2030. The section on the analysis of the gas system presents a similar approach on the evaluation of welfare indicators, adding insight on crisis scenarios simulating disruption of gas supply to EU through Ukraine, to assess the benefits of security of supply derived from the implementation of new projects.

2019 - Identification of Projects of Common Interest in the priority thematic area of smart grids deployment
The document presents the outcome of the evaluation process of candidate Projects of Common Interest in the priority thematic area of ‘smart grids deployment’, as set out in the trans-European energy infrastructure regulation. The evaluation follows the guidelines of the assessment framework for smart grid Projects of Common Interest, 2017 update, developed by the JRC and adopted within the smart grid thematic group.
The report aims to assist the smart grids thematic group in proposing projects of common interest in the area of ‘smart grids deployment’ to be included in the 4th Union list of Projects of Common Interest.