Background and context
By proposing EU-wide rules to follow in case of crises, the Commission intends to bolster regional cooperation and assistance among Member States. This approach can be less costly, more secure and strengthen the functioning of the electricity market.
As part of the Clean energy for all Europeans package, the Regulation on risk-preparedness in the electricity sector requires competent authorities in all EU countries to cooperate with each other to ensure that, in electricity crisis, electricity goes where it is most needed. The requirements include putting in place appropriate tools to prevent, prepare for and manage possible electricity crises in a spirit of solidarity and transparency. The regulation also introduces common methodologies to identify crisis scenarios and to assess short term and seasonal adequacy between generation and consumption of electricity to preserve the stability of the grid and avoid shortage.
Our role
We contribute to shaping and monitoring the electricity risk-preparedness policy and legislative actions.
Main publications

2024 - Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) and EU's security of electricity supply
he Regional Coordination Centres (RCCs) are recognised by the European Commission as a tool to tackle security of supply issues from a regional dimension and mitigate the impact on the overall electricity system. The RCCs can provide regional and cross-regional services that no individual country-based transmission system entity is in the position to deliver. Besides the RCC overview this report is delivering, few points of improvements for RCCs tasks with forward looking vision, mainly in relation to the regional electricity crisis scenarios, are pointed out as well.
RCCs could provide dedicated assistance to TSOs in national electricity crisis scenarios, which are the basis for the regional crisis scenarios identification. Altogether they can contribute in defining the risk-preparedness strategy and plans that all Member States have to produce and adopt, and which have to cover past, current and emerging threats.

2021 - Regional measures under risk preparedness in the electricity sector
This study addresses the regional dimension of electricity crises management in the European Union and elaborates on the national and regional rules and procedures that are relevant for the definition of target measures and regional cooperation agreements. In this context, we identify the essential elements for the prevention, preparation for and management of a crisis as a practical guide for the preparation of the risk preparedness plan, with the objective to extend and develop the European Commission’s Recommendations (EU) 2020/1775 (European Commission, 2020b). This analysis is based on a number of regulatory documents - like the guideline on electricity transmission system operation and the network code on emergency and restoration - and other studies on the most frequent causes of outages, the associated effective remedial actions, the best practices in crisis management, and the economic impacts of electricity crises.