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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Load-following operating mode at Nuclear Power Plants (NPPs) and incidence on Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs. Compatibility with wind power variability


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ISSN 1018-5593
C. Bruynooghe, A. Eriksson, G. Fulli
Publications Office of the European Union
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In the framework of the Memorandum of Understanding n. JRC.BXL n.30897 between DGTREN and the JRC on the "Supply of Scientific and Technical Support to DGTREN on Nuclear Safety, Waste Management, Radiation Protection, and Sustainability of Nuclear Energy", signed on 25/11/2008 in Luxembourg, this report addresses the request of a report on the "effects of Load Following operating mode at NPPs on the O&M costs; coupling issues with smart grids". This task was included in the work plan set up by JRC and DG-TREN in 2009. The deliverable deadline has been in common agreement postponed to the first half of 2010.

This report also represents an official deliverable of the Work Plan of the JRC Action POS (Plant Operation Safety), n.52103, in Task 4.3: "Support to DGTREN in the framework of the MoU between DGTREN and the IE" and of the JRC Action Security of Energy Systems (SES).

It is well known that all issues related to costs are not to be found explicitly in the public domain. This is more than ever true for electricity generating costs in a liberalised market. From this it results that reliable information source is scarce. Apart from operators involved in our ENIQ (European Network for Inspection and Qualification) we relied on the IAEA yearly published report "Operating Experience with Nuclear Power Stations in Member States" in its 2007 issue. The result is the best picture of the incidence of Load Following operating mode on O&M cost achievable in an environment of confidentiality.

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