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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Development of electric network in Europe: the current situation and perspectives


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Magazine Papers
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L. Debarberis, G. Fulli, E. Alecu, F. Gangale
Science and Practice Publishing House Ltd.
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Maintaining and improving reliable, efficient grids is vital for a modern society. The European transmission and distribution networks are ageing and they are faced with different challenges that may push them to evolve following different trends and conflicting drivers.

The present paper aims therefore at assessing the current situation and at evaluating the possible future evolution of the electricity grids in Europe. It analyses technological state of the art and the expected deployment of advanced technology in transmission and distribution. The study highlights the main barriers hindering the development of the present grids and the design of future electricity networks and tries to identify a possible way forward.

The paper also focuses on possible synergies with other sectors. Many actions still need to be taken, both at European and national level, to develop the future electricity networks.

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