Current policies aim at a fundamental decarbonisation of the European economy which is still too dependent on fossil fuels. Electrification based on renewable energy production is considered to be the most effective way to tackle this issue. As a result, electricity demand is projected to increase significantly on a pathway towards climate neutrality. It is well known that increasing the current level of renewable based production is however not enough: such a production needs to be integrated into the energy system by means of a smarter grid infrastructure deeply based on digital and interoperable solutions. In this report, the focus is on the role played by a subset of enabling technologies in the smart grids sector: Transmission innovation (TI), Grid-scale storage services (GSSS), Electric vehicles smart charging (EVSC), Advanced meter infrastructure (AMI) and Home energy management systems (HEMS). For each technology, the current status is reported for R&D, value chain, market and resources, depending on the available data.