Power Line Communications

  • English
    Technical committee
    IEEE 2030.5-2018
    Published year

    The application layer with TCP/IP providing functions in the transport and Internet layers to enable utility management of the end user energy environment, including demand response, load control, time of day pricing, management of distributed generation, electric vehicles, etc. is defined in this standard. Depending on the physical layer in use (e.g., IEEE 802.15.4™, IEEE 802.11™, IEEE 1901™, IEEE 1901.2™), a variety of lower layer protocols may be involved in providing a complete solution. Generally, lower layer protocols are not discussed in this standard except where there is direct interaction with the application protocol. The mechanisms for exchanging application messages, the exact messages exchanged including error messages, and the security features used to protect the application messages are defined in this standard. With respect to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) network model, this standard is built using the four layer Internet stack model. The defined application profile sources elements from many existing standards, including IEC 61968 and IEC 61850, and follows a RESTful architecture (Fielding [B3]) using IETF protocols such as HTTP. (Additional files for downloads can be found at https://standards.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-standards/standards/web/dow…)

  • English
    Technical committee
    IEEE 2030.5-2013
    Published year

    The 'APPLICATION' layer with TCP/IP providing functions in the 'TRANSPORT' and 'INTERNET' layers is defined in this standard. Depending on the physical layer in use (e.g., IEEE 802.15.4(TM), IEEE 802.11(TM), IEEE 1901(TM)), a variety of lower layer protocols may be involved in providing a complete solution. Generally, lower layer protocols are not discussed in this standard except where there is a direct interaction with the application protocol. This standard defines the mechanisms for exchanging application messages, the exact messages exchanged including error messages, and the security features used to protect the application messages. With respect to the OSI network model, this standard is built using the four-layer Internet stack model. The defined application protocol is an IEC 61968 common information model [61968] profile, mapping directly where possible, and using subsets and extensions where needed, and follows an IETF RESTful architecture [REST]. (NOTE: additional files for this standard is available at http://standards.ieee.org/downloads/2030.5/)