The R&I status and Continuous gAP analysis (RICAP) is the core process of the PANTERA project and provides the main methodology on how EU initiatives’ activities such as the ten-year plan and Implementation Plan of ETIP SNET and BRIDGE task Forces comes together with Stakeholders and other resources to unify and align forces under the same umbrella.
The main outcome of this process feeds the knowledge area of the EIRIE platform and sends clear feedback for the maturity of the technologies, the R&I needs and the priorities under the prism of a wide and holistic spectrum. This way, RICAP evaluates in a quantified manner the past work while it safeguards continuity in the years ahead.
Within the RICAP process, all incoming data and information are classified, categorized, enriched and processed before the evaluation results are presented in quantifiable indexes that can drive future developments and achieve
- Uniformity of results
- Better monitoring of the projects and their results
- Better monitoring and use of technologies through the financed projects
- Better identification of &I needs.