Wind Turbines

  • English
    Technical committee
    EN 50308:2004
    Published year

    This European Standard specifies requirements for protective measures relating to the health and safety of personnel, relevant to commissioning, operation and maintenance of wind turbines. It does not describe instructions and provisions for safe working during manufacture, transport, assembly and installation of the wind turbine. Requirements are specified regarding – hardware provisions being a part of the turbine such as platforms, ladders, lighting, – manuals and warning signs to accommodate safe and quick operation, inspection and maintenance. The requirements and/or measures specified account for the hazards – of mechanical origin such as falling, slipping, locking in, – of thermal origin (fire) such as burns by flames or explosions, – of electricity such as contact with live parts, – generated by noise such as stress and loss of hearing, – generated by neglecting ergonomic principles in machine design such as unhealthy postures or human errors. This standard is prepared for horizontal axis, grid connected wind turbines. For other concepts (e.g. vertical axis turbines) the principles are still valid, but the specific rules or requirements have to be adjusted to the actual concept. Additional provisions and procedures are necessary for turbines installed in water or offshore. The present document only draws attention to these. Provisions and procedures for lifts and Suspended Access Equipment (SAE) in the turbine tower are not included in this standard. This standard is not applicable to wind turbines manufactured before the date of its publication by CENELEC.

  • English
    Technical committee
    CLC/TR 50373:2004
    Published year

    This Technical Report provides guidance on requirements for the electromagnetic compatibility of wind turbines of all sizes, to assist with achieving compliance with EMC standards. This Technical Report includes guidance on emissions, and for immunity to external disturbances. Safety related aspects are not included in this Technical Report. They are the subject of relevant parts of EN 61400. This Technical Report is applicable to electromagnetic emissions and immunity, both conducted and radiated, in the range 0 Hz to 400 GHz (although generally EMC standards do not at present contain test methods or limits at frequencies above 1 GHz). Fault conditions are not taken into account. This Technical Report does not include test procedures, conditions, limits, or reference values; these requirements are included in relevant parts of EN 61000, which are referred to in this Technical Report where necessary. This Technical Report also provides guidance for wind turbine installations (wind farms or single machines). The electromagnetic compatibility of components within the wind turbine (i.e. within enclosed parts of the wind turbine, which may include the hub, nacelle and tubular tower) with each other is solely a matter for the wind turbine manufacturer. The physical impact of the structure on the reception of radio services in the vicinity needs to be considered as a separate issue, and is not dealt with in this Technical Report. It should be noted that although experience to date has shown that physical interference to broadcasting services has caused the majority of complaints, wind turbines are capable of interfering with all radio services to some extent.
