Solar Power
Solar Power
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 60904-1-2:2019CommitteePublished year2019KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 60904-1-2:2019 describes procedures for the measurement of the current-voltage (I-V) characteristics of bifacial photovoltaic devices in natural or simulated sunlight. It is applicable to single PV cells, sub-assemblies of such cells or entire PV modules This document may be applicable to PV devices designed for use under concentrated irradiation if they are measured without the optics for concentration, and irradiated using direct normal irradiance and a mismatch correction with respect to a direct normal reference spectrum is performed. This document describes the additional requirements for the measurement of I-V characteristics of bifacial PV devices.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TR 63292:2020CommitteePublished year2020KeywordsDescription
IEC TR 63292:2020 continues the effort started with the availability technical specification (IEC TS 63019). Availability is closely related to PVPS operational capability, health and condition and to produce energy and is a real-time or historical measure. The availability of a system or component is impacted by contractual and non-contractual reliability specifications, maintenance metrics and a corresponding maintenance and repair strategy, and also external factors such as site environmental and grid conditions. The intention of this document is to be a precursor examination of the reliability issues for further address in a task to produce an IEC Technical Specification on this topic. While this document identifies reliability tools, topics and procedures, there are commercial products available to perform analyses and there is no assessment of those tools or to provide recommendations for one tool over another in this document.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TR 63149:2018CommitteePublished year2018KeywordsDescription
IEC TR 63149:2018(E) is aimed at presenting mathematical models for calculation of the distance between arrays, to farthest avoid shading and reasonably reduce the land usage of PV farms. This document provides land usage calculations of PV farms for various array types.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TR 60904-14:2020CommitteePublished year2020KeywordsDescription
IEC TR 60904-14:2020 provides guidelines for measurements of the maximum power (Pmax) output of single-junction photovoltaic (PV) modules and for reporting at standard test conditions (STC) in industrial production line settings. As it is desirable to have consistent measurement practices across the industry, this document describes the following features of such measurements: - Essential elements, in order to provide common understanding; - Common issues or complications; - Sources of error and uncertainty, including recommendations to minimize them.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC PAS 62257-10:2017CommitteePublished year2017Description
IEC PAS 62257-10:2017(E) is designed to be used as a guide to visually inspect front-contact poly-crystalline and mono-crystalline silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) modules for major defects. The modules under consideration may be of any size or rated power, however some specific use-cases for solar modules may have different requirements and therefore adaption of this document is application and institution dependent (ex. labelling may not be present for a solar module sold as part of a small off-grid lighting kit). This document is meant to supplement and support rather than replace international testing standards such as IEC 61215.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 63202-1:2019CommitteePublished year2019Description
IEC 63202-1:2019 describes procedures for measuring the light-induced degradation (LID) of crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) cells in simulated sunlight. The magnitude of LID in a crystalline silicon PV cell is determined by comparing maximum output power at Standard Test Conditions (STC) before, and after, exposure to simulated sunlight at a specified temperature and irradiance. The purpose of this document is to provide standardized PV cell LID information to help PV module manufacturers in minimizing the mismatch between cells within the same module, thereby maximizing power yield.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62938:2020CommitteePublished year2020KeywordsDescription
IEC 62938:2020 provides a method for determining how well a framed PV module performs mechanically under the influence of inclined non-uniform snow loads. This document is applicable for framed modules with frames protruding beyond the front glass surface on the lower edge after intended installation and as such creates an additional barrier to snow sliding down from modules. For modules with other frame constructions, such as backrails formed in frames, on the side edges, on the top edge and on the lower edge not creating an additional snow slide barrier, this document is not applicable. The test method determines the mechanical non-uniform-load limit of a framed PV module.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62925:2016CommitteePublished year2016Description
IEC 62108:2016 defines a test sequence that will quickly uncover CPV module failures that have been associated with field exposure to thermal cycling for many years. This document was specifically developed to relate to thermal fatigue failure of the HCPV die-attach, however, it also applies, to some extent, to all thermal fatigue related failure mechanisms for the assemblies submitted to test.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62920:2017CommitteePublished year2017KeywordsDescription
IEC 62920:2017 specifies electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements for DC to AC power conversion equipment (PCE) for use in photovoltaic (PV) power systems. The PCE covered by this document can be grid-interactive or stand-alone. It can be supplied by single or multiple photovoltaic modules grouped in various array configurations, and can be intended for use in conjunction with batteries or other forms of energy storage. This document covers not only PCE connected to a public low voltage AC mains network or other low voltage AC mains installation, but also PCE connected to a medium or high voltage AC network with or without step-down power transformers.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62894:2014+AMD1:2016 CSVCommitteePublished year2016Description
IEC 62894:2014+A1:2016(E) describes data sheet and name plate information for photovoltaic inverters in grid parallel operation. The object of this standard is to provide minimum information required to configure a safe and optimal system with photovoltaic inverters. This consolidated version consists of the first edition (2014) and its amendment 1 (2016). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication.