Solar Power
Solar Power
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-4:2015CommitteePublished year2015Description
IEC TS 62257-4:2015(E) provides a method for describing the results to be achieved by the electrification system independently of the technical solutions that could be implemented. The purpose is to provide a method to assist project contractors and project developers to select and design the electrification system for isolated sites while matching the identified needs, such as those described in IEC TS 62257-2. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - redefine the maximum AC voltage from 500 V to 1 000 V, the maximum DC voltage from 750 V to 1 500 V; - removal of the limitation of 100 kVA system size.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-3:2015CommitteePublished year2015Description
IEC TS 62257-3:2015(E) provides information on the responsibilities involved in the implementation of rural power systems. More particularly it covers: - contractual relationships to be built between the different participants to a project; - the relevant tests to be applied to renewable energy and hybrid electrification systems; - quality assurance principles to be implemented; - requirements for recycling and protection of the environment. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - redefine the maximum AC voltage from 500 V to 1 000 V, the maximum DC voltage from 750 V to 1 500 V; - removal of the limitation of 100 kVA system size.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-2:2015CommitteePublished year2015Description
IEC TS 62257-2:2015(E) proposes a methodological approach for the setting up and carrying out of socio-economic studies as part of the framework of decentralized rural electrification projects. It is addressed to project teams and in particular to experts in charge of socio-economic studies in international projects. This technical specification also provides some structures as technical solutions that could be recommended, depending on the qualitative and quantitative energy demands, consistent with the needs and financial situation of the customers. The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows: - redefine the maximum AC voltage from 500 V to 1 000 V, the maximum DC voltage from 750 V to 1 500 V; - removal of the limitation of 100 kVA system size.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-1:2015CommitteePublished year2015Description
IEC TS 62257-1:2015(E) introduces a methodology for implementing rural electrification using autonomous hybrid renewable energy systems. It also provides a guide for facilitating the reading and the use of the IEC 62257 series for setting up decentralized rural electrification in developing countries or in developed countries. The IEC 62257 series is designed as follows: - Parts 2 to 6 are methodological supports for the management and implementation of projects; - Parts 7 to 12 are technical specifications for individual or collective systems and associated components.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-1:2015CommitteePublished year2015KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 62257-1:2015(E) introduces a methodology for implementing rural electrification using autonomous hybrid renewable energy systems. It also provides a guide for facilitating the reading and the use of the IEC 62257 series for setting up decentralized rural electrification in developing countries or in developed countries. The IEC 62257 series is designed as follows:
- Parts 2 to 6 are methodological supports for the management and implementation of projects;
- Parts 7 to 12 are technical specifications for individual or collective systems and associated components.Technology -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 62257-12-1:2020 RLVCommitteePublished year2020Description
IEC TS 62257-12-1:2020 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC TS 62257-12-1:2020 establishes the framework for creating a product specification for lamps and lighting appliances to serve as the basis for evaluating quality for a particular context. Product specifications include minimum requirements for quality standards, warranty requirements, and/or performance criteria. Products are compared to specifications based on test results and other information about the product. The product specification framework is flexible and can accommodate the goals of diverse organizations and institutions. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2015. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition. - Annex A and Annex B were combined into a single Annex A to eliminate duplicate tables and simplify the document.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 61836:2016 RLVCommitteePublished year2016KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 61836:2016 RLV contains both the official IEC International Standard and its Redline version. The Redline version is available in English only and provides you with a quick and easy way to compare all the changes between the official IEC Standard and its previous edition. IEC TS 61836:2016(E) deals with the terms, definitions and symbols from national and international solar photovoltaic standards and relevant documents used within the field of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy systems. It includes the terms, definitions and symbols compiled from the published IEC technical committee 82 standards. The main technical change with regard to the previous edition consists of adding / revising terms and definitions which have been discussed and agreed on during recent meetings of the TC 82 terminology working group.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 61724-3:2016CommitteePublished year2016KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 61724-3:2016(E) defines a procedure for measuring and analyzing the energy production of a specific photovoltaic system relative to expected electrical energy production for the same system from actual weather conditions as defined by the stakeholders of the test. The energy production is characterized specifically for times when the system is operating (available); times when the system is not operating (unavailable) are quantified as part of an availability metric. The aim of this technical specification is to define a procedure for comparing the measured electrical energy with the expected electrical energy of the PV system. The contents of the corrigendum of February 2018 have been included in this copy.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 61724-2:2016CommitteePublished year2016KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 61724-2:2016(E) defines a procedure for measuring and analyzing the power production of a specific photovoltaic system with the goal of evaluating the quality of the PV system performance. The test is intended to be applied during a relatively short time period (a few relatively sunny days). The intent of this document is to specify a framework procedure for comparing the measured power produced against the expected power from a PV system on relatively sunny days.
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Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC TS 60904-13:2018CommitteePublished year2018KeywordsDescription
IEC TS 60904-13:2018(E) specifies methods to: - capture electroluminescence images of photovoltaic modules, - process images to obtain metrics about the images taken in quantitative terms, and - provide guidance to qualitatively interpret the images for features in the image that are observed. This document is applicable to PV modules measured with a power supply that places the cells in the modules in forward bias.