Smart Energy
Smart Energy
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62053-21CommitteePublished year2003KeywordsDescription
IEC 62053-21:2020 applies only to static watt-hour meters of accuracy classes 0,5, 1 and 2 for the measurement of alternating current electrical active energy in 50 Hz or 60 Hz networks and it applies to their type tests only.
This document applies to electricity metering equipment designed to:
• measure and control electrical energy on electrical networks (mains) with voltage up to 1 000 V AC;
• have all functional elements, including add-on modules, enclosed in, or forming a single meter case with exception of indicating displays;
• operate with integrated or detached indicating displays, or without an indicating display;
• be installed in a specified matching socket or rack;
• optionally, provide additional functions other than those for measurement of electrical energy.
Meters designed for operation with low power instrument transformers (LPITs as defined in the IEC 61869 series) may be tested for compliance with this document only if such meters and their LPITs are tested together and meet the requirements for directly connected meters.
This document does not apply to:
• meters for which the voltage line-to-neutral derived from nominal voltages exceeds 1 000 V AC;
• meters intended for connection with low power instrument transformers (LPITs as defined in the IEC 61869 series) when tested without such transformers;
• metering systems comprising multiple devices (except LPITs) physically remote from one another;
• portable meters;
• meters used in rolling stock, vehicles, ships and airplanes;
• laboratory and meter test equipment;
• reference standard meters;
• data interfaces to the register of the meter;
• matching sockets or racks used for installation of electricity metering equipment;
• any additional functions provided in electrical energy meters.
This document does not cover measures for the detection and prevention of fraudulent attempts to compromise a meter’s performance (tampering).
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003 and its amendment 1:2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Removed all meter safety requirements; the meter safety requirements are covered in IEC 62052-31: 2015.
b) Replaced Ib with In; Ib is no longer used when referencing directly connected meters.
c) Moved the descriptions of all general requirements and test methods from IEC 62053-21: 2003, IEC 62053-22: 2003, IEC 62053-23: 2003, IEC 62053-24: 2003 to IEC 62052-11:2020; IEC 62053-21:2020, IEC 62053-22:2020, IEC 62053-23:2020, IEC 62053-24:2020 contain only accuracy class specific requirements.
d) Added new requirements and tests concerning:
1) measurement uncertainty and repeatability (7.3, 7.8);
2) influence of fast load current variations (9.4.12);
3) immunity to conducted differential current disturbances in the 2 kHz to 150 kHz frequency range (9.3.8).
e) Meters designed for operation with low power instrument transformers (LPITs) may be tested for compliance with this document as directly connected meters. -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 62052-11:2020CommitteePublished year2020Description
IEC 62052-11:2020 (E) specifies requirements and associated tests, with their appropriate conditions for type testing of AC and DC electricity meters. This document details functional, mechanical, electrical and marking requirements, test methods, and test conditions, including immunity to external influences covering electromagnetic and climatic environments. This document applies to electricity metering equipment designed to: - measure and control electrical energy on electrical networks (mains) with voltage up to 1 000 V AC, or 1 500 V DC; - have all functional elements, including add-on modules, enclosed in, or forming a single meter case with exception of indicating displays; - operate with integrated displays (electromechanical or static meters); - operate with detached indicating displays, or without an indicating display (static meters only); - be installed in a specified matching sockets or racks; - optionally, provide additional functions other than those for measurement of electrical energy. Meters designed for operation with Low Power Instrument Transformers (LPITs as defined in the IEC 61869 series) may be tested for compliance with this document and the relevant IEC 62053 series documents only if such meters and their LPITs are tested together as directly connected meters. This document is also applicable to auxiliary input and output circuits, operation indicators, and test outputs of equipment for electrical energy measurement. This document also covers the common aspects of accuracy testing such as reference conditions, repeatability and measurement of uncertainty. This document does not apply to: - meters for which the voltage line-to-neutral derived from nominal voltages exceeds 1 000 V AC, or 1 500 V DC; - meters intended for connection with low power instrument transformers (LPITs as defined in the IEC 61869 series of standards) when tested without such transformers; - metering systems comprising multiple devices (except of LPITs) physically remote from one another; - portable meters; - meters used in rolling stock, vehicles, ships and airplanes; - laboratory and meter test equipment; - reference standard meters; - data interfaces to the register of the meter; - matching sockets or racks used for installation of electricity metering equipment; - any additional functions provided in electrical energy meters. This document does not cover measures for the detection and prevention of fraudulent attempts to compromise a meter’s performance (tampering). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2003, and its amendment 1:2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Removed all meter safety requirements; the meter safety requirements are covered in IEC 62052-31:2015; b) Included requirements for meter power consumption and voltage requirements from IEC 62053-61; IEC 62053-61 is withdrawn; c) Included requirements for meter symbols from IEC 62053-52; IEC 62053-52 is withdrawn; d) Included requirements for meter pulse output devices from IEC 62053-31; IEC 62053-31 is withdrawn; e) Added new requirements and tests including: meters with detached indicating displays, and meters without indicating displays, meter sealing provisions; measurement uncertainty and repeatability; time-keeping accuracy; type test report f) Updated and clarified acceptance criteria for testing of external influences; g) Revised and updated tests for immunity to electromagnetic influences and disturbances as per the latest editions of the basic EMC publications.
Technology -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-555CommitteePublished year2013Description
IEC TS 61970-555:2016(E) specifies a Component Interface Specification (CIS) for Energy Management Systems Application Program Interfaces (EMS-API). This part specifies the format and rules for exchanging modelling information based upon the CIM. It uses the CIM/E Schema as the meta-model framework for constructing CIM/E documents of power system modelling information. The style of these documents is called CIM/E format. CIM/E is suitable for use in online model exchange of power system applications.
Technology -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-552CommitteePublished year2013Description
IEC 61970-552:2016 specifies the format and rules for exchanging modelling information based upon the CIM. It uses the CIM RDF Schema presented in IEC 61970-501 as the meta-model framework for constructing XML documents of power system modelling information. The style of these documents is called CIMXML format. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- new clause that defines the versioning of CIMXML format;
- addition of a statement about mandatory header;
- introduction of the new urn:uuid form and discussion of the backwards compatibility. -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-456CommitteePublished year2013Description
IEC 61970-456:2018 rigorously defines the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to describe the result of state estimation, power flow and other similar applications that produce a steady-state solution of a power network, under a set of use cases which are included informatively in this standard. This document is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and may be read from those two perspectives.
This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Addition of the Steady State Hypothesis (SSH) profile.
- Better description of the relation between different profiles and alignment with the current nomenclature used with profiles, e.g. "data set" and "network part".
- Extension of the description of the use cases. -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-453CommitteePublished year2014Description
IEC 61970-453:2014+A1:2018 is a member of the IEC 61970-450 to 499 series that, taken as a whole, defines, at an abstract level, the content and exchange mechanisms used for data transmitted between control centre components. Included in this part of IEC 61970 are the general use cases for exchange of diagram layout data, and guidelines for linking the layout definitions with CIM data. Guidelines for management of schematic definitions through multiple revisions are also included. This new edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: The SVG elements and its data model have been replaced by the Diagram Layout Package, which is now an integral part of the IEC 61970-301 (CIM) model.
This consolidated version consists of the second edition (2014) and its amendment 1 (2018). Therefore, no need to order amendment in addition to this publication. -
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-452CommitteePublished year2013Description
IEC 61970-452 IEC 61970-452:2017 defines the subset of classes, class attributes, and roles from the CIM necessary to execute state estimation and power flow applications. This standard is intended for two distinct audiences, data producers and data recipients, and may be read from two perspectives. From the standpoint of model export software used by a data producer, the document describes a minimum subset of CIM classes, attributes, and associations which must be present in an XML formatted data file for model exchange. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: the Equipment profile has been split into three separate profiles, CoreEquipment, Operation and ShortCircuit; the HVDC model has been replaced with the new model defined in Edition 6 of 61970‑301. the specific profiles (or subsets) of the CIM for exchange of static power system data between utilities, security coordinators and other entities participating in a interconnected power system.
Technical committeeTypeAcronymIEC 61970-1CommitteePublished year2005Description
Provides a set of guidelines and general infrastructure capabilities required for the application of the EMS-API interface standards. Describes typical integration scenarios where these standards are to be applied and the types of applications to be integrated. Defines a reference model and provides a framework for the application of the other parts of these EMS-API standards.
This publication is of core relevance for Smart Grid.