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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Smart Grid Projects in Europe - Lessons Learned and Current Developments


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EUR 24856 EN
V. Giordano, F. Gangale, G. Fulli, M. Sanchez Jimenez, I. Papaioannou, A. Colta, K. I. Onyeij, A. Mengolini, T. Ojala, I. Maschio, E. Alecu
Publications Office of the European Union
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The main goal of this study is to collect a wide inventory of Smart Grid projects in Europe and use project data to support analysis on trends and developments. The report looks into several aspects of the Smart Grids landscape to describe the state of the art of their implementation, the emerging hallmarks of the new electricity system and the foreseeable developments.

A key focus of the Report is to describe how Smart Grid projects address and respond to the EU energy policy challenges and to point out the main benefits and beneficiaries. Particular attention is devoted to identifying the most important obstacles to investments and the possible solutions that could help to overcome them.

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