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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Smart Energy Grids and Complexity Science


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EUR 25626 EN
E. Bompard, , S. Connors,, G. Fulli, , B. Han, , M. Masera, , A. Mengolini,, W. J. Nuttall
Publications Office of the European Union
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This report proposes ideas and an approach to address present and future challenges in future smart energy systems through the particular lenses of complexity sciences.

Complexities arising inside and around emerging energy distribution systems prompt a multilayered and integrated approach in which different disciplines and areas of expertize are pooled together.  The interfaces between system layers and intellectual disciplines are the focus, rather than on the details of any individual layer or the particularities of one approach.

A group of people sharing this view and willing to procede in this way organized a workshop at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, Petten, the Netherlands on 24th June 2012. Experts from different fields of expertise convened to present their current research and discuss the future challenges of emerging smart energy systems via the afore-mentioned perspectives.

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