- JRC is hosting EIRIE on the Smart Electricity Systems servers, hence has taken responsibility for being and acting as the main collaborator of EIRIE. As the European Commission's science and knowledge service, the Joint Research Centre (JRC), supports EU policies with independent scientific evidence throughout the whole policy cycle. JRC collaborates with over a thousand organisations worldwide whose scientists have access to many JRC facilities through various collaboration agreements.
- The ETIP SNET (ETIP Smart Networks for Energy Transition) role is to guide Research, Development & Innovation (RD&I) to support Europe’s energy transition. As such, with its experts is the knowledge development brain in the field and as such it renders itself as a vital collaborator to the existence and growth of EIRIE. Its mission aims among others to set-out a vision for RD&I for Smart Networks for Energy Transition and engage stakeholders in this vision. Prepare and update the Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap. Report on the implementation of RD&I activities at European, national/regional and industrial levels. Develop enhanced knowledge-sharing mechanisms that help bring RD&I results to deployment.
- BRIDGE is the link with the R&I projects under Horizon 2020 and now Horizon Europe. As such it is a prime source of project results to feed EIRIE, hence a valuable collaborator in building data, information and knowledge to facilitate the processes embedded in EIRIE for the benefit of the R&I community. BRIDGE being a European Commission initiative unites Smart Grid, Energy Storage, Islands, and Digitalisation projects, hence, fostering continuous knowledge sharing amongst projects thus allowing them to deliver conclusions and recommendations about the future exploitation of the project results, with a single voice