Functionalities and tools

EIRIE consists in an interactive multi-functional platform that aims at connecting the R&I community of EU to enhance collaboration, strengthen the participation of all Member States in support of the Energy Transition and improve the participation of low-spending countries in R&I activities in the area of Smart Energy Systems.

To this end, it offers a bundle of services and functionalities towards ensuring that EIRIE is established as a central reference point of knowledge, aiming to take on board the existing entities and activities in Europe, expanding on them to capitalise on synergies and bring in the interests of low spending R&I countries.

EIRIE integrates with the most popular platforms in the area of Smart Energy Systems, such as the Smart Electricity Systems and Interoperability Platform of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the Knowledge Sharing Platform of ETIP-SNET, the BRIDGE portal, the EXPERA platform of ERANET Smart Energy Systems, the Mission Innovation Platform, the EU Research Results Platform (CORDIS), the DERlab Research Infrastructures database and the ASSET platform offering training material in the area of smart grids, to offer a wealth of services and functionalities that span 4 distinct, but also interrelated areas, as follows:

  • Project Evaluation and Reporting Services, involving simple analytics and visualizations over aggregated project-relevant data, giving a quick snapshot about the status quo of R&I activities per member state, technology type, involved stakeholders, etc. EIRIE will also offer access to Project Evaluation results with regards to their Maturity Index. Finally, EIRIE will offer services for getting access to R&I Facilities and Infrastructures for validating research results.
  • Stakeholder Community Building, with emphasis given on the operation of 6+1 Regional Desks, towards fostering discussion and collaboration between regional stakeholders and increasing awareness on regional activities towards increasing R&I funding in the area of Smart Energy Systems
  • Sustainability and Collaboration Services towards knowledge co-creation, through living/ online collaborative documents that capture the joint know how of the PANTERA community
  • Data Search Services, capitalizing on a strong and versatile search engine (classic filtering and list-based results), complemented with Data Linking functions towards facilitating discovery and identification of relevant information that might be of interest to the EIRIE community stakeholders.
  • Additional Services, including:
    • Matchmaking Services for fostering and enhancing collaboration between R&I stakeholders and reinforcing participation of low-spending countries in funded activities,
    • Training Services, for educating stakeholders on Smart Grids R&I relevant topics, through tertiary (reports, best practices) and vocational (webinars) education,
    • News and Events services, for keeping the EIRIE community members up to date with relevant information and events of their interest.