Controls for Mechanical Building Services

CEN_TC 247
  • English
    EN 13321-2
    Published year

    EN 13321-2 Open Data Communication in Building Automation, Controls and Building Management - Home and Building Electronic Systems - Part 2: KNXnet/IP Communication - This European Standard defines the integration of KNX protocol implementations on top of Internet Protocol (IP) networks, called KNXnet/IP. It describes a standard protocol for KNX devices connected to an IP network, called KNXnet/IP devices. The IP network acts as a fast (compared to KNX transmission speed) backbone in KNX installations. Widespread deployment of data networks using the Internet Protocol (IP) presents an opportunity to expand building control communication beyond the local KNX control bus, providing: - remote configuration; - remote operation (including control and annunciation); - fast interface from LAN to KNX and vice versa; - WAN connection between KNX systems (where an installed KNX system is at least one line). A KNXnet/IP system contains at least these elements: - one EIB line with up to 64 (255) EIB devices; OR one KNX segment (KNX-TP1, KNX-TP0, KNX-RF, KNX-PL110, KNX-PL132); - a KNX-to-IP network connection device (called KNXnet/IP server); and typically additional - software for remote functions residing on e.g. a workstation (may be data base application, BACnet Building Management System, browser, etc.). Figure 1 shows a typical scenario where a KNXnet/IP client (e.g. running ETS) accesses multiple KNX installed systems or KNX subnetworks via an IP network. The KNXnet/IP client may access one or more KNXnet/IP servers at a time. For subnetwork, routing server-to-server communication is possible.

  • English
    EN 13321-1
    Published year

    EN 13321-1 Open data communication in building automation, controls and building management - Home and building electronic system - Part 1: Product and system requirements - This European Standard specifies, as for Home or Building Electronic Systems (HBES) for the domain of Building Automation and Control System Application and Building Management (BACS), common rules for a class of multi-application bus systems where the functions are decentralised and linked through a common communication process. This European Standard sets the basic requirements for products and systems. The requirements may also apply to the distributed functions of any equipment connected in a home or building control system if no specific standard exists for this equipment or system. Due to its reference to the EN 50090 series, this European Standard sets requirements for the BACS area in relation to Architecture and Hardware and Application and Communication of systems based on HBES amongst other areas, and specifies the basic requirements for interoperability (between products and systems). Aspects such as environmental conditions/external influences, electrical safety, EMC, etc. also used to be covered by EN 50090-2-2, which will be superseded by the now available EN 50491 series. The latter European Standards series was jointly developed by CENELEC/TC 205 and CEN/TC 247 and will in the future also include aspects like functional safety in normal use (now contained in the EN 50090-2-3). The EN 50491 series applies, together with the relevant product standard for devices, if applicable.