Smart Energy | EIRIE

Smart Energy

IEC_SyC Smart Energy
  • English
    Technical committee
    IEC/TR 63097:2017
    Published year

    IEC/TR 63097:2017(E) provides standards users with guidelines to select a most appropriate set of standards and specifications. These standards and specifications are either existing or planned, and are provided by IEC or other bodies also fulfilling use cases.
    It also aims at creating a common set of guiding principles that can be referenced by end-users and integrators who are responsible for the specification, design, and implementation of Smart Energy Systems.
    As a living document, this roadmap will be subject to future changes, modifications and additions, and will be incorporated into future editions.
    At the current stage, the focus remains the “Smart Grids”. This means that the full Smart Energy scope has not been addressed yet (i.e. the consideration necessary to include the interactions with other energies such as gas, and heat) and will be considered in a future edition of this document.

  • English
    Technical committee
    IEC SRD 63268

    IEC SRD 63268(E) depicts a comprehensive standardization landscape of the interfaces between the main grid stakeholders and the grid users, grid users comprising DERs and Customer Premises.
    This document considers the main "physical" and "logical" interactions (i.e. through wires/functions – power and/or communication) between grid users and grid stakeholders, both from an electrical standpoint and from a data standpoint. Then for each interaction type, the document presents the standardization landscape.
    This document depicts, as well, the interactions between the grid stakeholders manipulating grid user related data, themselves. Effectively it appears that considering the sole landscape of the interfaces between the grid users and the grid would be very limited without considering the way the data attached to grid users are manipulated/managed within and between the different stakeholders holding these data. Providing a seamless vision of the management of these data is becoming of highest priority.
    The document focuses exclusively on Distribution grid users, excluding as such "bulk generation" grid users and "transmission connected grid users", the main reason being that the main breakthrough resulting from the introduction of distributed energy resources affects mostly the Distribution grid users.
    This document mostly focuses on establishing the standardization landscape for the considered domain, including the IEC entities involved in producing reports, technical specifications and standards related to it. From this assessment a first set of recommendations is issued related to the way IEC addresses this scope.

  • English
    Technical committee
    IEC SRD 62913-2-2:2019
    Published year

    IEC SRD 62913-2-2:2019(E) initiates and illustrates the IEC’s systems approach based on Use Cases and involving the identification of generic smart grid requirements for further standardization work for market related domains, based on the methods and tools developed in IEC SRD 62913-1.
    It captures possible “common and repeated usage” of a smart grid system, under the format of “Use Cases” with a view to feeding further standardization activities. Use Cases can be described in different ways and can represent competing alternatives. From there, this document derives the common requirements to be considered by these further standardization activities in terms of interfaces between actors interacting with the given system.
    To this end, Use Case implementations are given for information purposes only. The interface requirements to be considered for later standardization activities are summarized (typically information pieces, communication services and specific non-functional requirements: performance level, security specification, etc.).