Module Temperature | EIRIE

Module Temperature

Module Temperature

  • English
    Technical committee
    IEC TS 63126:2020
    Published year

    IEC TS 63126:2020 defines additional testing requirements for modules deployed under conditions leading to higher module temperature which are beyond the scope of IEC 61215-1 and IEC 61730-1 and the relevant component standards, IEC 62790 and IEC 62852. The testing conditions specified in IEC 61215-2 and IEC 61730-2 (and the relevant component standards IEC 62790 and IEC 62852) assumed that these standards are applicable for module deployment where the 98th percentile temperature (T98th), that is the temperature that a module would be expected to equal or exceed for 175,2 h per year, is less than 70 °C. This document defines two temperature regimes, temperature level 1 and temperature level 2, which were designed considering deployment in environments with mounting configurations such that the T98th is less than or equal to 80 °C for temperature level 1, and less than or equal to 90 °C for temperature level 2.