Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 301: River energy resource assessment

IEC TS 62600-301
Published year

IEC TS 62600-301:2019 provides:
· Methodologies that ensure consistency and accuracy in the determination of the theoretical river energy resource at sites that may be suitable for the installation of River Energy Converters (RECs);
· Methodologies for producing a standard current speed distribution based on measured, historical, or numerical data, or a combination thereof, to be used in conjunction with an appropriate river energy power performance assessment;
· Allowable data collection methods and/or modelling techniques; and
· A framework for reporting results.
The document explicitly excludes:
· Technical or practical resource assessments;
· Resource characterisation;
· Power performance assessment of river energy converters; and
· Environmental impact studies, assessments, or similar.