Metal Hydrides Hydrogen Storage

Project dates: 01. May 2019 - 31. Aug 2019


Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, which can be easily generated by electrolysis and combusted to generate energy without emissions.

But the storage of hydrogen is today very dangerous (explosive when mixed with air) and costly, due to large storage tanks needed for sufficient energy capacity and due to energy intensive processes (compression, liquefaction, etc.) to store hydrogen in compressed or liquid form.

Metal Hydrides Hydrogen Storage System or MHS is the 100% safe and first economically feasible technology to store hydrogen in forms of metal hydrides.

Today it is only a prototype, but tomorrow it will store the hydrogen energy for an infinite number of applications: first to buildings, then on medium/long term to power generators, to produce synthetic fuels, industrial plants and for hydrogen fuel cell cars.


Number of partners: 1
Site numbers:


Key Exploitable Results

  • TRL

  • Effective use:
  • Barriers:
  • Additional next steps:
  • Investment needed: