Innovative tank design and groundbreaking infrastructure model to enhance the availability of renewable energy by collecting, storing and transporting hydrogen, biomethane, nitrogen and LNG

Project dates: 01. Apr 2019 - 31. Aug 2019


The depleting reserves and the increasingly high cost of extraction are making oil difficult to access. The development and promotion of abundant and clean alternatives such as liquid hydrogen, liquid biomethane, nitrogen (all renewable fuels) and LNG is becoming a necessity. These gaseous fuels are among the serious options to be considered. Hydrogen, for example, can be produced anywhere where there is water and a source of electricity. And hydrogen-fueled vehicles emit no greenhouse gases or other pollutants. During combustion, hydrogen produces only water vapour. However, these fuels have significant infrastructure and transport limitations. Hydrogen is currently expensive also because is difficult to handle and store. The same applies to fuels like LNG. The current method of transporting LNG and other gas-based fuels like hydrogen, biomethane and nitrogen, is the cryogenic tanker. Specialised driver/operator training, and expensive equipment is required to handle these tanker—trailers and as such, there is often limited infrastructure for them outside states with large petrochemical industries. This limited transport infrastructure has, in turn, led to limited support infrastructure. GGLS has developed the GBG™, lightweight composite tanks for collecting, transporting and storing cryogenic materials, specifically gaseous fuels. These patented tanks can be used as an integral part of a system to maintain a continuous cryogenic gas supply or as on board fuel tanks for use in road vehicles, particularly heavy trucks, coaches, buses and vans or for rail, marine and aircraft applications. GBG™ innovative tanks are capable of revolutionising the collection, distribution and storage at the point of use of renewable fuels in both cryogenic and gaseous forms. Indeed, rather than transferring fuel, the GBG™ system is based on exchanging tanks, which are more safely and securely refilled under controlled conditions.


Number of partners: 1
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Key Exploitable Results

  • TRL

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