Developing methods to model local area temporal domestic electricity demand

Project dates: 01. Dec 2017 - 31. Oct 2020


The objective of this proposal is to implement a programme of research and impact activities intended to provide a step change in the level of understanding of, and modelling capacity for, spatially disaggregated temporal domestic electricity demand in a smart grid and demand response context. This programme will be developed in partnership with internationally recognised experts led by the University of Otago (host) who are pioneering in this field. It will be exploited via an applied research programme at the University of Southampton (beneficiary) which intends to integrate census, social science time use and detailed consumption data to develop local area level demand response models to support the analysis of a range of demand response scenarios. In so doing the fellowship will provide the applicant with a foundation from which to build a new career pathway by applying his substantial existing social scientific data analysis and spatial microsimulation expertise to the development and leadership of a substantial new European research capacity in an area of emerging commercial, societal and political significance.


Number of partners: 2
Site numbers:



Key Exploitable Results

  • TRL

  • Effective use:
  • Barriers:
  • Additional next steps:
  • Investment needed: