“Large-scale storage integration and strategies to support market uptake of innovative solutions” Workshop

  • 14. Dec 2021 - 14. Dec 2021

    “Large-scale storage integration and strategies to support market uptake of innovative solutions” Workshop


    The workshopLarge-scale storage integration and strategies to support market uptake of innovative solutionsorganised by EERA JP SG (Joint Program on Smart Grids) and the OSMOSE project is taking place on 14 December 2021 at 14.00-16.00 CET .

    The event will be the occasion to hear the results from the OSMOSE demos and to share relevant activities performed by Smart Grids members. A special time is dedicated to open discussion and questions to foster the interaction between workshop participants and the speakers.

    The scope

    During the workshop will be presented and discussed innovative technologies and solutions aimed to enhance the system flexibility. The results of the OSMOSE project, dealing with several research and innovation challenges to enhance the flexibility of transmission grids and different experiences of EERA JP SG members will be presented and will constitute the basis for an open discussion. In particular, the workshop will the occasion to:

    ❖ disseminate the lessons learnt in the demos and modelling work of the OSMOSE project;
    ❖ discuss the preliminary results with the representatives of the EU research community;
    ❖ compare lessons learnt and already achieved results with the experiences gathered by other RTO;
    ❖ identify future research and innovation needs in future research and innovations projects and
    associations’ roadmaps and standardisation working groups (ETIP SNET, ENTSO-E)