eNeuron time serie 001: Synthetic, Wind generation, 1h resolution


The data presented correspond to the forecast of the active power with an hourly resolution for a whole year of the wind farm La Peñuca, located in Spain.
Description of the installation: The wind farm La Peñuca is composed by 22 wind turbines Neg Micon NM72c/1500 totaling an installed capacity of 33 MW [1]. The wind farm was commissioned in 2005 and is located at north of Burgos province, Spain. This wind farm is considered a high mountain one due to the climatic conditions of the site. The exact location is given by the latitude/longitude of 43° 1' 12" / -3° 42' 0", respectively. The wind farm belongs to the municipality of Merindad Valdeporres and Merindad Sotoscueva.

Associated Technologies