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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Emergency & Restoration - Over-frequency protection module

1.Description of the use case

1.1 Name of use case

Name of the use case:
Emergency & Restoration - Over-frequency protection module
Area Domain(s)/ Zone(s):
Transmission / Operation

1.2 Version management

Version No. Date Name of author(s) Changes Approval status
1 - EMSS
2 - EMSS Actors updated

1.3 Scope and objectives of use case

Transmission system operation during emergency and restoration

Obj. 1: Create a centralized system that would simulate the lack of limited sensitive frequency mode-overfrequency (LFSM-O) on generating units in the power system

1.4 Narrative of use case

The Emergency & Restoration - Over-frequency protection module (OFPM) is designed as a replacement for the missing or insufficient controllers on generating units in the power system which can operate in limited frequency sensitivity mode – over-frequency (LFSM-O).

In the CROSSBOW project, two conceptual solutions for over-frequency protection system were developed, as a replacement for the missing or insufficient LFSM-O controllers (as defined in EU Regulation 2016/631 – Network Code on requirements for grid connection of generators) on generators in Serbia and in the region of Southeast Europe. According to EU Regulation 2017/2196 (Network Code on Emergency and Restoration), such a system must properly disconnect the generators. The first solution implied that the over-frequency protection system calculates settings for each generator in a predetermined order provided by TSOs (which takes into account local congestions), starting with 50.2 Hz (and up to 52Hz). These calculations are performed every 5 – 15 min due to changes in production in real time. In the event of a critical frequency, the Over-frequency Protection (OFP) system sends a command for generator disconnection to selected generators. In the case of application at the regional level, this system takes care not to cause unacceptable flows on the interconnecting transmission lines when the generator is disconnected by the over-frequency protection. The second solution implies that the generators, based on real-time measurements and calculations based on the developed algorithm, are assigned one of the predefined levels of over-frequency protection in the frequency range 50.2 - 52 Hz. Local constraints are controlled by assigning different levels of OFP to the protection devices on generators in one power plant. The OFP algorithm fills the quotas for each level of the over-frequency protection so that the effect corresponds to the virtual activation of the LFSM-O on all generators in the system. This solution was simulated for both national and regional levels. Based on CROSSBOW results, the modified over-frequency protection system will be implemented within R2D2 project in the transmission system of the Serbian TSO. As not all generators are equipped to carry out above given technical solution for the Emergency & Restoration - Over-frequency protection module (OFPM), they will be divided into several groups as follows: 1. The first group of generators are generators that are equipped with LFSM-O and they do not participate in the OFPM. 2. The second group of generators will be assigned fixed over-frequency protection settings (where there are no technical possibilities for remote signal sending neither LFSM-O controllers are installed) – this is not the part of this use case 3. To the third group (where there are technical possibilities for sending signals remotely), the OFPM sends appropriate signals, which can be related to: a) Reduction of active power production on generators (group А) b) Disconnection of the generators from the transmission grid (group B) This type of over-frequency protection system will have the role of reducing the total production in the system as closely as possible when impermissibly high frequencies occur, as if each generator is equipped with an LSFM-O controller. In addition, this system will ensure that there are no local violations of the security criteria in the network. On the other hand, as it will be implemented at the national and not at the regional level, this OFPM will only be able to control to a lesser extent the change in active power flows on the interconnecting lines and the impacts on neighbouring systems (this can only be achieved if there is a regional implementation of the OPFM, which may be the subject of one of the future projects). Also, this system is not intended to control high frequencies in case of splitting the system into subsystems, as its main intention is to bring the Serbian TSO into compliance with the binding provisions of the EU network codes.

1.5 Key performance indicators (KPI)

ID Name Description Reference to mentioned use case objectives
12 % of the installed capacity of generators that are included in the OFPM at the national level =100%·DataID2/DataID1; - DataID1 - Sum of the installed capacity of generators lacking LFSM-O controllers; - DataID2 - Sum of the installed capacity of generators that are included in the OFPM at the national level Objective 1

1.6 Use case conditions

Generators that cannot receive command signals have fixed over-frequency protection settings harmonized with the OFPM. Protection devices operate autonomously in case of over-frequency. SCADA AGC runs autonomously after calculated set-points are received from OFPM. SCADA system transfers disconnection signal generated by OFPM to appropriate circuit breakers in the connection facility of a generator.
Generating units are capable of receiving a set point to reduce their active energy production, or generating units can be remotely - disconnected from the TSO control centre, or over-frequency protection of the generating units can be reset from the TSO control centre.

1.7 Further information to the use case for classification/mapping

Relation to other use cases
Level of depth:
High level of detail.
Highest priority (5). The centralized over-frequency protection does not currently exist in the Serbian power system, and it is necessary for the application of NC ER requirements.
Generic, regional or national relation:
Generic and national.
Nature of the use case:
System functional requirements description.
Further keywords for classification:
Over-frequency protection, Emergency operation.

1.8 General remarks

2.Diagrams of use case

2.1 Diagrams of use case

Diagram name Diagram image
SGAM Business Layer SGAM Business Layer
SGAM communication layer SGAM communication layer
SGAM component layer SGAM component layer
functional layer functional layer
Information object mapping Information object mapping
SGAM functional layer SGAM functional layer
sequence sequence

3. Technical details

3.1 Actors

Actor name Actor type Actor description
Over Frequency Protection Module Control system OFPM is a part of the control system designed to reduce active power production when an over-frequency threshold is reached.

3.2 References

No. References type Reference Status Impact on use case Originator/organisation Link
1 Report Deliverable D2.2 CROSSBOW Use cases, scenarios and KPIs identification 1.3 public EMS
2 Regulations Network Code on Emergency and Restoration (2017/2196 in force This regulation provides the legal foundation for establishing the OFP module as one of the potential solutions for implementing an automatic over-frequency protection scheme, in accordance with Article 16 of this regulation. EU Commission

4. Step by step analysis of use case

4.1 Over-frequency identification

Scenario description
OFPM regularly receives SCADA measurements and calculates if OFPM should be activated and through which mechanism (Active power generation decrease or Generators disconnection) based on comparison of needed active power decrease and available downward reserve
Primary actor
Triggering event
Regular repetition
Frequency is monitored
Over-frequency is identified and OFPM is activated

4.1 Steps of Over-frequency identification

Step No. Event Name of process/activity Description of process/activity Service Information producer (actor) Information receiver (actor) Information exchanged (IDs) Requirement, R-IDs
1 Regular repetition SCADA measurements download Each 2-4 seconds SCADA systems sends to the OFPM frequency and generators active power measurements Data download SCADA OFPM 1, 2 IRI_017, IRI_105, IRI_106
2 Over-frequency threshold is reached Calculations of needed active power decrease and available downward reserve OFPM calculates needed active power decrease and available downward reserve Data processing OFPM OFPM 0 IRI_017, IRI_088, IRI_089, IRI_090, IRI_091, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_107, IRI_108
3 Calculations are completed Triggering of active power generation decrease mechanism or generators disconnection mechanism Based on comparison of needed active power decrease and available downward reserve OFPM triggers 1) active power generation decrease mechanism or 2) generators disconnection mechanism Data processing OFPM OFPM 0 IRI_017, IRI_092, IRI_093, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_108

4.2 Active power generation decrease (generators of group A)

Scenario description
Set-points are calculated and sent to the generating units of group A to decrease their active power output.
Primary actor
Triggering event
OFPM triggered active power generation decrease
Generating units of group A follow regular generation schedule
Generating units of group A decrease their active power output according to the set-point sent by the OFPM

4.2 Steps of Active power generation decrease (generators of group A)

Step No. Event Name of process/activity Description of process/activity Service Information producer (actor) Information receiver (actor) Information exchanged (IDs) Requirement, R-IDs
1 OFPM triggered active power generation decrease Set-points calculation OFPM calculates generators set-points Data processing OFPM OFPM 0 IRI_017, IRI_094, IRI_095, IRI_096, IRI_097, IRI_098, IRI_099, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_108, IRI_109
2 Set-points are calculated Set-points transfer OFPM sends generators set-points to SCADA/AGC Data transmission OFPM SCADA 3 IRI_017, IRI_100, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_108, IRI_109

4.3 Generators disconnection

Scenario description
Disconnection frequencies are calculated for all generators of group B, and disconnection signals are sent to generators if measured frequency is higher than the disconnection frequency.
Primary actor
Triggering event
OFPM triggered generators disconnection mechanism
Generating units of group B follow regular generation schedule
Some generating units of group B are disconnected

4.3 Steps of Generators disconnection

Step No. Event Name of process/activity Description of process/activity Service Information producer (actor) Information receiver (actor) Information exchanged (IDs) Requirement, R-IDs
1 OFPM triggered generators disconnection mechanism Frequency disconnection calculations OFPM calculates generators disconnection frequency Data processing OFPM OFPM 0 IRI_017, IRI_101, IRI_102, IRI_103, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_108, IRI_110
2 Disconnection frequency are calculated Generators disconnection OFPM sends disconnection signal for selected generators (according to calculated disconnection frequencies within scenario 1) Data transmission OFPM SCADA 4 IRI_017, IRI_104, IRI_105, IRI_106, IRI_108, IRI_110

5 Information exchanged

5.1 Information exchanged

Requirement, R-IDs Information exchanged, ID Name of information Description of Information Exchanged
IRI_111 1 Active power measurements Active power measurements on generating units
IRI_111 2 Frequency measurements Measured frequency in the power system
IRI_100 3 Active power set-points Set-point for generators’ active power controllers (controller leads generator’s active power to the set-point value)
IRI_104 4 Disconnection signals Signal which triggers selected circuit breaker opening.

6 Requirements

6.1 Functional requirements

Category ID
Category name for requirements
Functional requirements
Category description
Functional requirements define what a product must do, what its features and functions are. Functional requirements of the system are captured by describing how the system should respond in each step of a scenario
Requirement R-ID Requirement name Requirement description
IRI_088 Frequency activation requirement IRIS OFPM must be active if frequency exceeds 50.2 Hz
IRI_089 Active power decrease calculation requirement IRIS OFPM must calculate total needed decrease of active power generation in case of over-frequency Pdec [MW] as follows (for LFSM-O droop of 5%): Pdec = Ptotal· (40·f-2008)
IRI_090 Downward reserve calculation requirement For each generator available for active power decrease, IRIS OFPM must calculate: Pdw = P – Pmin. In addition, the sum of Pdw for all generators shall be calculated – SUM(Pdw).
IRI_091 Recalculation period setting requirement IRIS OFPM must recalculate total active power decrease, available downward reserves and generators base (set) points in time interval set by OFPM operator.
IRI_092 Downward active power reserve threshold requirement IRIS OFPM operator must be able to set available downward active power reserve threshold (Ptreshold) and frequency threshold (ftreshold).
IRI_093 Priority OFP mechanism requirement IRIS OFPM will firstly activate reduction of active power on generators if f > 50.2 Hz and secondly disconnection of the generators if the following condition is met: SUM(PHdw) + SUM(PTdw) + SUM(PWdw) < Pthreshold or f > f threshold
IRI_094 Generation decrease priority requirement IRIS OFPM will reduce generators active power according to the following priority: Hydro Power Plants, Thermal Power Plants, Wind Parks (according to the Serbian pilot site characteristics).
IRI_095 Downward capacity calculation per generation type requirement Based on IRI_090 requirement, IRIS OFPM must calculate SUM(PHdw), SUM(PTdw) and SUM(PWdw). In the event of an outage of a generator that is in this mechanism, SUM(PHdw) / SUM(PTdw) / SUM(PWdw) is reduced by the Pdw of this generator
IRI_096 Base-point calculation requirement 1 If Pdec+SUM(Pvar) <SUM(PHdw), for each hydro generator IRIS OFPM must calculate new base point Pb as follows: Pb=P–[Pdec+ SU(Pvar)]· Pdw/SUM(PHdw). Thermal and wind generators get a base point equal to their active power when OFPM is activated.
IRI_097 Base-point calculation requirement 2 If SUM(PHdw)<Pdec+SUM(Pvar)<SUM(PHdw)+SUMA(PTdw), for each thermal generator IRIS OFPM must calculate new base point Pb as follows: Pb=P–[PdecSUM(Pvar)–SUM(PHdw)]·Pdw/SUM(PTdw). All hydro generators get Pb equal to their technical minimum.
IRI_098 Base-point calculation requirement 3 SUM(PHdw)+SUM(PTdw)<Pdec+SUM(Pvar)<SUM(PHdw)+SUM(PTdw)+SUM(PWdw), for each wind generator IRIS OFPM must calculate new base point Pb = P – [Pdec- SUM(PHdw) - SUM(PTdw)] · Pdw / SUM(PWdw)
IRI_099 Base-point calculation requirement 4 If SUM(PHdw) + SUM(PTdw) + SUM(PWdw) < Pdec + SUM(Pvar), IRIS OFPM must calculate for all generators new base point Pb equal to their technical minimum.
IRI_100 Base-point communication requirement IRIS OFPM shall communicate generators base point signal through: 1) Thermal power plant and wind park gateway 2) TSO connection facility gateway and GRAS devices installed in hydro power plants
IRI_101 Disconnection criteria requirement All generators in IRIS OFPM disconnection mechanism, will be sorted in array according to local security criteria and additional criteria set by generator owners according to the following priority: Hydro Power Plants, Thermal Power Plants, Wind Parks.
IRI_102 Disconnection frequency calculation requirement IRIS OFPM must calculate disconnection frequency for all generators as follows: f disci [Hz] = (2008 + SUM(Pvar) + 0,5·Pi + SUM(P1→i-1)/40
IRI_103 Disconnection frequency recalculation period requirement IRIS OFPM must recalculate disconnection frequency for all generators in time interval set by OFPM operator.
IRI_104 Disconnection signal communication requirement IRIS OFPM must communicate generators disconnection signal to circuit breaker of the generator’s connection line in TSO connection substation
IRI_105 Obervability requirement IRIS OFPM must provide to operator observability of generators participating in active power generation decrease mechanism and generators disconnection mechanism.
IRI_106 OFP mechanism activation requirement IRIS OFPM operator must be able to include/exclude generators for one or both mechanism (active power generation decrease mechanism / generators disconnection mechanism) before or during OFPM activation.
IRI_107 Sound alarm requirement When over-frequency higher than 50.2 Hz is detected, IRIS OFPM must generate sound alarm that can be cancelled by operator.
IRI_108 Summary display requirment When over-frequency is detected, OFPM must generate summary display presenting: 1) actual frequency 2) time relapsed from over-frequency detection 3) calculated total active power to be reduced 4) total reduced power after over-frequency detection
IRI_111 OFPM – SCADA communication requirement IRIS OFPM and SCADA must communicate through IPC (inter-process communication).

6.2 non functional

Category ID
Category name for requirements
non functional
Category description
Requirements that cannot be captured this way are non-functional requirements, such as business rules, the user interface and other requirements that are not suitable to be described within a scenario.
Requirement R-ID Requirement name Requirement description
IRI_109 Genaration decrease display requirement When OFPM active power generation decrease mechanism is activated, OFPM must generate a display presenting all data given in comments section.
IRI_110 Genaration disconnection display requirement If OFPM generators disconnection mechanism is active, OFPM must generate a display presenting: Generators’ active power at the moment of over-frequency detection, identification if generator is disconnected by OFPM / Generators disconnection mechanism

7 Common terms and definitions

7.1 Common terms and definitions

Term Definition

8 Custom information

8.1 Refer to section

Refers to section Value Key

Publisher Organization

Organization name Organization Acronym Country
EMS Service EMSS Serbia
Technologies for use cases:
High level Use Case:
HLUC 7: Enhance System Supervision and Control including Cyber Security
Related Project:

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