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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Enlargement and Integration Workshop 2013, Antalya, Turkey

  • 06 Jun 2013

Smart grids and power highways for the enlarged Europe: assessing the challenges

Objectives, policy relevance and content of workshop

Enlargement and Integration countries will have to face substantial investments in the coming years to upgrade and modernise their energy networks towards smart power grids. Growing environmental and energy security concerns represent a major driver for the renovation and improvement of existing energy infrastructure. 

Wind and solar electricity retain the greatest potential to contribute and increase the shares of renewable electricity production; however, current electricity transmission and distribution systems (power highways) do not generally appear adequate to reliably cope with large-scale penetration of such variable renewables based generating plants (whether centralised or distributed). Most energy investments are long life and capital intensive, therefore investment decisions taken now will have an impact for many years. When planning the electricity system of the future, it is necessary to adopt an integrated approach to assess the interrelated physical, environmental, cyber, social, economic and policy challenges.

Ensuring a higher level of energy security and sustainability is high on the agenda of all countries. The challenges ahead are to identify and implement the solutions that best respond to these needs. The workshop will focus on how these developments can provide examples and opportunities for E&I countries to build smart grids and power highways through sound regional and international investments. Objective of the workshop is also to share experiences on renewable power integration into the electricity grids of Enlargement and Integration Countries.

The emphasis will be on practical guidance and exchange of information, a lessons learned approach that will provide instructive examples of assessments of smart power grids, both inside and outside the EU, with particular focus on the Mediterranean basin.


Date and duration


Deadline for application

Target deadline for results of selection

18 – 20 September 2013 (3 days) Antalya, Turkey  1 June 2013 15 June 2013

Participants profile

Participants will preferably come from national administrations, academia, research institutes and industry.
  • National energy policy makers,
  • National experts on energy, renewable energy, smart grid,
  • People from electrical vehicles, energy power systems and its applications,
  • Representatives of smart grid products, systems, and services.
  • Government institutions (Universities, research centres, colleges, municipalities, etc)
  • University professors, students, staff, specialists.

Country of origin of participants

Focus on participants from:
  • New EU Member States
  • EU Acceding Country
  • EU Candidate Countries
  • EU Potential Candidate Countries
  • Framework Programme Associated Countries
  • ad hoc basis European Neighbourhood Policy Countries
  • Russia


Reimbursement of expenses or small grants may be available.


The Commission reserves the right to decide on a case-bycase basis the granting of such reimbursement of expenses or small grants, depending always on the available budget.

Participants may be entitled to reimbursement of their expenses in case they are directly (explicitly) invited by the organiser in order to contribute to the workshop's objectives.

To apply please send your CV to:, subject: 2013-IET-A-08