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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Workshop Enlarging and Integrating Energy Security


Event type:
Dubrovnik (HR)


Workshop Enlarging and Integrating Energy Security, Dubrovnik (HR), 5-7 Oct 2011

The Energy Security Unit organised this workshop on energy infrastructure with the aim to make an inventory of energy projects and their contribution to European energy security, both within and outside the EU. The workshop was held in Dubrovnik, Croatia on 5 – 7 October and involved discussions based on contributions by JRC experts, presentations by invited experts and input from the participants. It focused mainly on smart electricity grids and new gas infrastructure projects. The emphasis of the discussion has been on how developments in the field provide examples and opportunities for Enlargement and Integration countries to build modern energy networks that contribute to national and regional energy security.


Selected presentations from the gas and electricity sessions:

Gas Sessions

Karolina Cegir (Energy Community Secretariat), The Energy Community - a regional approach to security of supply

Steven Carmen Rodriguez Valdes (ENTSO-G), TYNDP: A European approach to Security of Supply

Goran Francic (PLINACRO) Croatia's regional projects and cooperation

Stavri Dhima (Ministery. of Economy, Trade and Energy, Albania), Challenges of the Natural Gas sector in Albania

Atanas Georgiev (Public Services OOD, Bulgaria), Country Risk Assessment Exercise

Ruslan Surugiu (National Agency for Energy Regulation, Moldova), Moldova: Gas Infrastructure

Robert Bosniak (Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar, Croatia), Risk Assessment Exercise


Electricity Sessions

Steve Heinen (IEA), Smart Grids Technology Roadmap

Flavia Gangale (JRC), Smart Grid projects in Europe and in E&I countries

Luca Lo Schiavo (AEEG, Italy), Promoting innovation and investments in Smart Grids

Orhun Selcuk (EPDK, Turkey), Smart Metering and Its Applications

Laurentia Predescu (ANRE, Romania), The Romanian experience in Supporting Innovation in Network Operation

Zdravko Liposcak (HEP-DSO, Croatia), The Croatian experience

Carin Torstensson (Studio Director), BeAware introduces Energy Life

Federico Caleno (ENEL, Italy), Enel Smart Info and Energy@home