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JRC Smart Electricity Systems

Modeling and Application of VSC-HVDC in the European Transmission System


Publication year:
Publication Category:
Journal Papers
Identifier and type:
ISSN 1913-133X
A. L'Abbate, G. Fulli
Spotted Cow Press
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The present paper focuses on the technical, environmental, and economic features of VSC-based HVDC technologies. The aim is to investigate the impact of VSC-HVDC on the European power system: specific attention is paid to the transmission capacity enhancement attainable in targeted applications. Towards this purpose, an original steady state model of the VSC-HVDC is presented and tested. Then, a techno-economic analysis of the impact of VSC-HVDC on liberalized power systems in Europe is undertaken so as to investigate the feasibility and the sustainability of such investment, also compared to building HVAC lines.

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