GRID4EU Demo3: The Spanish Demonstrator

The Spanish Demonstrator in Castellon focuses on the enhancement of the MV and LV network automation and the awareness of the customers about their consumption and network situation.

Iberdrola completed long ago the roll-out of smart meters in Castellón, a city of 200,000 inhabitants in the Mediterranean coast (around 100,000 points of supply). This roll-out offers a unique opportunity to enhance the deployment with other Smart Grids functionalities, and will work as a large experiment lab for the subsequent deployment in all the Spanish territory of Iberdrola.

The new functionalities cover telecommunication, automation, supervision, and in-home consumer equipment for 200 houses. More than 20 Secondary Substations have been the scenario to test improvements such as high availability for MV-BPL, enhanced coupling systems, new protocols, prototypes for LV and MV supervision, smart meters line detection and others. Central control systems have also been improved with new features.

The main objective is to enhance observability and control of the low and medium voltage networks, in connection with a multi-layer solution for smart metering, in order to:
- Enable effective active demand at domestic level;
- Improve the quality of service through communications improvement, automatic outage detection and Automatic Grid Recovery;
- Better inform customers;
- More efficiently plan network.